Disciples brought others to Jesus, so we should as well. One of the greatest joys you will discover as a follower of Jesus is leading someone else into a transformational relationship with Jesus.

If you are ready to be used by God to bring others to him, we’ll do what we can to equip you with what you need to bring people to Jesus.

  • First, share your story. One of the greatest tools you can use to share Christ with someone else, is your own story of how you met Jesus.

  • Second, the Gospel. We don’t want you to just know the Gospel we want to equip you in sharing it. One of the best places to gain confidence in sharing the gospel is by participating in Groups, and attending Inside Brave.

  • Third, Make the invitation. Don’t say their “no” for them, who knows, it may just change their life for eternity.

If you’re making this step to invite others and want to let us know, click here to fill out our Brave Steps form so we can support you in any way you need.